Nate Davis | Friday | 12.15pm | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Hybrid Organic/Inorganic nanomaterials and other related adventures.

Dr Nate Davis

- Te Herenga Waka (Victoria University of Wellington)

Friday 25 November, 12.15pm


Recently, there has been an increase in research into the field of organic semiconductor ligands attached to nanocrystal semiconductor quantum dots, essentially the replacement of ligands that offer colloidal stability with ones that add additional optoelectronic properties.

By combining the ease of attachment/functionalisation of the organic component with the tunability (via confinement effects of QDs), hybrid nanomaterials present a new and versatile class of optoelectronic materials with properties beyond the sum of the individual components.

We use this versatility to make improvements across different optoelectronic disciplines such as luminescent solar concentrators, spectral management systems (up and down conversion), photocatalysis, biosensors, LEDS and lasers.

About the speaker

Dr Davis has established a track record of international leadership in converging organic/inorganic synthesis and photophysics research of new materials and devices. His research currently focuses on hybrid nanomaterials for optoelectronic applications including: Photovoltaics, LEDs, luminescent solar concentrators, spectral management systems (up and down conversion), photocatalysis, biosensors, and lasers.

Nate received his BSc(ADV)H1M from the University of Sydney (2013) and was awarded the University Medal. After completing his PhD in physics at the University of Cambridge in 2017 as the Bragg Scholar, he spent an additional year there as an Oppenheimer Early Career Research Fellow. In 2018 he moved to his current position as a Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, at Victoria University of Wellington, and he became an Associate Investigator at both the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology and the Dodd Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies.

In 2019, he received a Marsden Fund Fast-Start grant, MBIE Endeavour Smart Ideas funding, and Science for Technical Innovation National Science Challenge funding to support his research. In 2020 Nate was awarded a Prestigious Rutherford Discovery Fellowship for his work on new solar materials and was promoted to Senior Lecturer.