Tutorials | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Exciton Science has launched a series of online coding tutorials for students and researchers. These aim to provide an effective introduction to topics including:

  • Machine learning for material science.

  • The basics of density functional theory: What is DFT, and what problems does it solve?

  • How to use GPAW to perform basic DFT tasks in python.

  • The basics of VASP for inorganic chemistry.

  • Advanced topics in VASP.

This is a series of four online tutorials, one hour each, that covers various topics in density functional theory (DFT).

The target audience includes experimentalists with no background of DFT, as well as theoreticians who wish to learn more about how to make DFT more relevant to real-life applications.

These are interactive tutorials, i.e. a two-way conversation. Dr Sherif Abbas will be explaining and demonstrating subjects, and will ask you for questions/comments during the session.

The presentations will be recorded and made available on the Exciton Science YouTube channel.

You are also welcome to record the sessions yourself.

To access useful resources in GitHub, visit: https://excitonscience.com/github-resources

Machine learning for material science

Density Functional Theory

Using GPAW to perform basic DFT tasks in python

The basics of VASP for materials science

Advanced topics in VASP

Basics of machine learning for material science with python

PyPhotonics: How to plot the Photoluminescence lineshape based on a VASP calculation

Meet ROSA, meaningful and efficient machine learning descriptors for materials

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