Catering | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Catering will be supplied for the majority of meals during the Annual Workshop in Lorne.

Please note, for meals not supplied during the workshop, please keep your receipts and seek reimbursement later via your Node Administrator or the Centre Coordinator for University of Melbourne members. 

Your university's travel expenses policy may or may not allow for a certain quantity of alcohol to be purchased as part of these meals.

If you are unsure about the policy in question, contact your node administrator or supervisor.

Monday 21 November

Lunch | 1pm | Larder Restuarant - SUPPLIED

Welcome Reception and BBQ Dinner | 6pm | Seagrass Lawns - SUPPLIED

Tuesday 22 November

Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch at the Larder Restuarant, Afternoon Tea - SUPPLIED

Drinks and Canapes for Poster Session A from 6pm - SUPPLIED


Wednesday 23 November

Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch at the Larder Restuarant, Afternoon Tea - SUPPLIED

Drinks and Canapes for Poster Session B from 6pm - SUPPLIED


Thursday 24 November

Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch at the Larder Restuarant, Afternoon Tea - SUPPLIED

Gala Dinner (with a trivia competition) in the Heritage Ballroom from 7pm - SUPPLIED

Friday 25 November

Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch - SUPPLIED