Calum Kinnear | Wednesday | 11.30am | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Alumni Panel

Dr Calum Kinnear


Wednesday 23 November, 11.30am

About the speaker

Following his PhD at the Adolph Merkle Institute in Switzerland, Calum received a Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship to join Paul Mulvaney’s lab as a postdoc working on nanoparticle self-assembly.

He then spent some time at CSIRO as a Research Fellow before joining CSL in 2020 as a research scientist to work at the interface of materials science and gene therapy.

About the Alumni Panel session

A major sources of stress for graduate students is the prospect of finding careers in academia and industry following the completion of their degree.

One of the ways to combat this stress is to rely on the advice and example of alumni that have recently undergone this transition.

Here, we present a panel of both Exciton Science alumni and current early career researchers within the Centre. Our cohort has worked in academia, industry, and government policy.

The panel will discuss their experience of finding their first jobs following their PhDs. They will focus on the challenges they have faced, the skills they found most useful, and address any surprises they encountered along the way.

The panel will also touch, where relevant, on their experiences transitioning away from academia and into careers in fields such as industry and policy, and explore the differences between such environments.

Audience participation in this panel is key, so please bring along any questions you may have about what to expect from life after submitting your thesis.