Asaph Widmer-Cooper | Wednesday | 4.15pm | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Controlling Nanorod Alignment: From Single Particles to Large-Scale Assemblies 

Associate Professor Asaph Widmer-Cooper

- University of Sydney

Wednesday 23 November, 4.15pm


Nanoparticles are versatile components of excitonic devices that can be made in an amazing diversity of shapes, sizes, materials and functionalisation.

Achieving their full potential, however, often requires control over their relative positions and orientations.

For example, nanorods have anisotropic optoelectronic properties that can be exploited to study the fundamental behaviour of excitons or utilised in devices for capturing or generating light.

In this talk, I'll explain how diverse driving forces, from particle-particle interactions to external fields, can be used to control the assembly of nanorods for different applications.

This will include discussion of recent and ongoing collaborations across the Centre. 

About the speaker

Asaph Widmer-Cooper is a computational chemist with expertise in modelling the structure and dynamics of amorphous, crystalline and self-assembled materials.

He helps develop solution-processed materials for extracting energy from sunlight and contributes to fundamental studies of exciton behaviour.