Ms Swetha Chengala Madam | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Ms Swetha Chengala Madam

Swetha completed her BS-MS dual degree from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram in June 2018. She has a major degree in Physics and a minor degree in Biology. She did her major thesis titled '2D TMDs based thin film devices : Fabrication and characterizations' under the supervision of Dr. Bikas C Das, School of Physics, IISER TVM. She joined IITB- Monash Research Academy in July 2019.She is co advised by Dr. Anshuman Kumar ( IIT Bombay) and Dr. Alison Funston ( Monash University) and her research is on 'Exciton engineering in atomic monolayers using plasmons'. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music.

Project number: IMURA0839

Centre Research Themes: 
2. Control of Excitons