Mr Siqi Deng | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Mr. Siqi Deng completed his degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Materials Engineering from Monash University in 2018. He has been in Professor Udo Bach's group for 2 years as a PhD student. He is currently working on novel fabrication techniques of back-contact perovskite solar cell (bc-PSC) alongside with Dr. Xiongfeng Lin and Mr. Boya Zhao under the supervision of Professor Bach. His current thesis focuses on adapting nanofabrication techniques to perovskite material for PSC device fabrication and material property analysis.

Siqi is currently looking for possible collaborations in the research field of micro/nanofabrication and perovskite photovoltaics and welcomes potential collaborators who are interested in his research topic.

In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music watching movies, and going sightseeing. He also plays table tennis and does some jogging for exercise.

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Materials Engineering, Monash University (2018)
Centre Research: 

Excitonic Systems for Solar Energy Conversion

Centre Research Themes: 
1. Excitonic Systems for Solar Energy Conversion