Dr Thilini Ishwara | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Thilini's area of expertise is in organic-inorganic photovoltaics and photon upconversion. She is currently working on nanoporous upconversion films for solid state upconversion. 

PhD, Imperial College London
Centre Research: 

Excitonic Systems for Solar Energy Conversion


Journal Articles
Gholizadeh, E. M.; Prasad, S. K. K.; Teh, Z. Li; Ishwara, T.; Norman, S.; Petty, A. J.; Cole, J. H.; Cheong, S.; Tilley, R. D.; Anthony, J. E.; et al. Photochemical upconversion of near-infrared light from below the silicon bandgap. Nature Photonics 2020, 14 (9), 585 DOI: 10.1038/s41566-020-0664-3. doi: 10.1038/s41566-020-0664-3