Dr Sherif Abdulkader Tawfik Abbas
Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Deakin University
I am passionate about the physics and chemistry of 2D materials, and how they stretch the boundaries of our understanding of materials and interfaces. I work with experimentalists to explain various physical and chemical phenomena at the nanoscale, and this is pretty much like pushing the limit of theory, sensing all those cracks in modern physics. There is plenty of light behind those cracks. I am after the cracks surrounding the modern explanation of magnetism. I use various flavours of quantum mechanics, powered by machine learning, to understand the nature of magnetism in nanostructures. I also examine the interaction between 2D materials and other nanostructures, and work on the discovery of nanomaterials that have industrial potential.
My profile at Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NhT7vZIAAAAJ
My website: https://sheriftawfikabbas.github.io/