Michael’s research revolves around developing and understanding advanced optoelectronic devices and materials, with a focus on renewable energy applications and ultrafast spectroscopy characterisation methods. His interests include hot carriers for photovoltaics, photodetection, and photochemistry, tandem solar cells, hybrid molecular organic-inorganic systems focusing on singlet fission and triplet-triplet annihilation for up/down conversion for photovoltaic and light emitting applications, and thermoradiative diodes for night-time power generation.
He obtained his BEng (Nanoengineering) in 2011 and MSc (Electrical Engineering) in 2013 from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Nielsen graduated with a PhD in Physics in 2017 from Imperial College London (ICL) where he studied semiconductor nanoplasmonics under Dr. Rupert Oulton and Professor Stefan Maier. From 2017-2018 he remained a Research Associate at ICL. In 2018 he moved to UNSW as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2019 he was appointed a UNSW Scientia Lecturer and promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2022.