Prof. Kakkudiyil George Thomas | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Prof. Kakkudiyil George Thomas

Professor of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram

George Thomas and his group have made significant contributions in several areas of photosciences and nanomaterials and are currently focusing on the studies related to light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. His focus is on enhancing activities in Theme 1 on “Excitons in Solar Energy Conversion”.

Centre Role: Associate Investigator


Journal Articles
Kumar, J.; Wei, X.; Barrow, S. J.; Funston, A. M.; K. Thomas, G.; Mulvaney, P. Coupled Plasmon Resonances and Gap Modes in Laterally Assembled Gold Nanorod Arrays. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 2018, 232 (9-11), 1607 - 1617 DOI: 10.1515/zpch-2018-1163. doi: 10.1515/zpch-2018-1163
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