PhD applications at the University of Melbourne | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

To apply for a PhD with Exciton Science at the University of Melbourne, you need to do the following:

1    Email the contact listed on the PhD position you are interested in. Advise them of your qualifications and ask them to support your application for PhD via a return email. Submit that email as part of your application.

2    Prepare your application documentation as follows:
    a    You need to provide complete academic transcripts for all qualifications and a CV.
    b    You need to have the employer and/or academic referee reports completed and submit them with your application.
           i.      If it less than 5 years since you completed your last degree, they should be academic referees.
           ii.      If it is more than 5 years since you completed your last degree, they may be employer referees.
    c    If you're applying for a jointly-awarded PhD you will need to complete the jointly awarded PhD degree form as well as the online course application.

3    Go to the Course and Scholarships Application Page and submit your application.

4    Download forms:
Academic referee form
Employer referee form
Joint PhD form

General application information for PhD applicants at Melbourne is available at the Graduate Research page.

More information on Exciton Science PhD scholarships can be found on our Research Opportunities page.


Page last updated October 2019.

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