Science to Industry and Commercialisation Panel | Tuesday | 4.45pm | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Science to Industry and Commercialisation Panel

Facilitated by Associate Professor Girish Lakhwani 

- the University of Sydney

Tuesday 22 November, 4.45pm

About this event

We have an exciting Science to Commercialisation Industry afternoon planned where you will hear from leading scientists and entrepreneurs from various research fields.

They will share their scientific and entrepreneurship journeys, describing their pathways to where they are today, in particular what has driven their scientific interest through to commercialisation success of various start-ups they are and have been a part of.

These talks will be followed by a panel discussion, where you will have an opportunity to ask our guests questions about their career journeys.

We'd like to gauge areas and topics of interest so that we can brief our speakers prior to the event, and we have prepared this questionnaire where you can also submit questions to the panel in advance.

We will follow another questionnaire after the workshop to know whether this session was valuable to you and your questions were answered. I’ll strongly encourage everyone to participate in this short questionnaire.