Nicolas Vogt | Thursday | 10am | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

Is quantum advantage possible with near term quantum computer? Advantages of a system-bath approach

Dr Nicolas Vogt

- HQS Quantum Simulations GmBH

Thursday 24 November, 10am


Quantum computers promise exponential gains in performance with respect to conventional computers, especially for scientific simulations.

The point at which a quantum computer can solve a problem with real world applications faster or more efficiently than available conventional computers is often referred to as quantum advantage.

While the field has made tremendous progress in the last years, it is still not clear if quantum advantage can be reached with near-term quantum computers affected by noise or if error-corrected quantum computers are necessary.

We give a general overview of the quantum computing landscape with a focus on scientific simulations and quantum advantage.

Following the overview, we show how HQS uses quantum computing for scientific simulations and how we use a system-bath approach to work on achieving quantum advantage with near term quantum computers.

In the system-bath approach, the noise in non-error-corrected quantum computers is used in the simulation of a physical system in contact with a noisy bath. The approach aims to use the noise affecting the quantum computer as a resource, instead of treating it purely as an error source.

About HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH

HQS was founded in 2017 by Michael Marthaler, Jan Reiner, Iris Schwenk and Sebastian Zanker as a spin-off from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

The company enables customers to run advanced simulations for chemistry, material science and physics applications.

HQS aims to use the power of quantum computers to run simulations not possible on conventional computers but is also active in the field of conventional simulations.

HQS has successfully closed several investment rounds, won research grants from the EU and the German federal government and has customers in the chemical and material science industry.

At this point in time HQS has 40 employees.

About the speaker 

- Studied Physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany

- 2013 German academic exchange service research grant at RMIT University in Prof. Jared Coles group

- 2014 PhD at KIT in the fields of open quantum systems and superconducting circuits

- 2015-2017 Post-Doc at RMIT University working on superconducting circuits

- 2018 System Engineer for EUV lithography optics at Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH, Germany

- 2018 Started at HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH as quantum algorithms engineer

- Since 2022: Stack Manager of the Quantum Computing Software Stack at HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH

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