Anthony Chesman | Tuesday | 3.15pm | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

The adventures of an unadventurous chemist: The path of least resistance in a career in science.

Dr Anthony Chesman

- Principal Research Scientist, Group Leader, CSIRO

Tuesday 22 November, 3.15pm


Anthony is the Group Leader of the Renewable Energy Systems Group in CSIRO Manufacturing, which is working across battery and PV technologies in an attempt to stop the planet stewing in its own juices.

In this talk Anthony will explore his trials and tribulations in building a career in science, and examine how serendipity and a compulsion to say yes can take you to amazing places even if you don’t leave the south eastern suburbs.

Anthony will also demonstrate that he is ill-equipped to guide future scientists by sharing the pearls of wisdom that he has acquired along the way, which supervisors will promptly tell their students to ignore.

About the speaker 

Anthony joined CSIRO in 2011 as an OCE Postdoctoral Fellow, and also held a Discovery Early Career Research Award in the area of solar cell research before becoming a Research Scientist in 2014.

Anthony is currently researching the development of earth-abundant thin-film solar cells that are produced through high-throughput, solution-processable methods.

The ultimate objective of this work is to create flexible photovoltaic devices that can be manufactured by affordable mass-production techniques, such as spray coating or printing, which will significantly lower the cost energy generation in comparison to existing silicon solar cells.

Anthony is also the Team Leader of the Nanomaterials and Devices Team and Group Leader of Integrated Systems and Device Group. In this capacity Dr Chesman managers over 20 staff and 40 visitors/affiliates in diverse areas spanning prototyping, optoelectronic devices, and OLED fabrication.