Inclusive Recruitment Policy | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science

The Centre’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy commits us to certain recruitment processes.  This document details those recruitment policies which relate to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.  This policy applies to the recruitment of staff and students as defined in the Centre Membership Policy (login only).  The Centre recognizes that recruitment processes are an opportunity to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion, but they have not always had that effect in the past.

Position description requirements

  • Use gender neutral language (e.g. nonbinary pronouns such as singular “they” and “their”.)
  • Under the description of the Centre, include the following statement:
    "The ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science is underpinned by a commitment to equal opportunity and diversity.  We have a comprehensive Equity Statement."
    The words “Equity Statement” hyperlink to
  • Do not list “desired” qualifications as "essential” or “required”.
  • For PhD positions
    • Explain the requirements for PhD study in terms that will be familiar to overseas applicants (e.g. "Masters or first-class honours degree”).
    • For centre-funded positions, state what financial support the position will provide to the student.
    • Direct applicants to scholarship opportunities.

Position description recommendations

  • State options for flexible time fraction/careers/hours, parental leave, etc. specific to the institution.
  • State that we value a broad range of skills and experience beyond technical research skills.

Advertising requirements

  • If a position is filled without advertising, this must be reported to the Chief Operating Officer.  The Chief Operating Officer will keep records of all positions filled.  
  • The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee will periodically review the impact of advertising practices on the diversity of Centre personnel.
  • All personnel and job candidates must be treated respectfully in accordance with the Code of Conduct and without regard to how their position was advertised (or not advertised).

Advertising recommendations

  • Centre-funded positions will be advertised where possible.
  • Advertised positions should be formally advertised for a minimum of three weeks in an internationally recognized site relevant to the position.
  • Share the advertisement in networks outside your usual ones.

Interview requirements

  • Visibly diverse individuals should be invited to participate on the interview panel.  For academic positions, the visibly diverse individuals invited should include, but need not exclusively be, academics.
  • In the interview, include the statement from Centre Policy:
    The ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science recognises that “respecting and promoting diversity not only facilitates a positive student and staff experience but is also linked to best practice in research and high-quality outcomes.”  As examples, we offer training programs that support diversity and financial support for individuals with carer responsibilities.

Our five Research Nodes must adhere to their host institution’s recruitment policies. Where there is conflict between host institution and centre policies, the host institution will take precedence.

Endorsed by the Executive Board on 28 September 2020

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