Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium (ACIS) – Hobart 2019
The 9th biennial Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium was held at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart, from 3 to 7 February 2019.
ACEx was a sponsor and a large contingent of Exciton Victorian and NSW researchers, students and staff attended and presented posters and sessions (including several of our German collaborators).
The aim of ACIS 2019 was to provide opportunities for colloid, surface and interface scientists worldwide to share their findings, network, and discuss advancements in their fields of research.
Many disciplines are covered by colloid, surface and interface science. The conference was attended by scientists from all disciplines, early career researchers, industry representatives and end users interested in new developments across a range of technologies. Themes included:
- Soft Material Engineering in Foods, Consumer Care Products and Pharmaceuticals
- Colloids in Medicine
- Colloidal systems of graphene and 2D materials
- Scattering in Colloid and Interface Science
- Nanoparticles: Colloidal Stability, Self-assembly and Interactions with Light
- Colloidal Frontiers: Fundamentals and Applications from Micro to Macro
The symposium also featured a session on Commercialisation and Translation including patent law.
ACEx post doctoral researcher, Dr Siobhan Bradley was the winner of the Female Early Career Travel Bursary from Australasian Colloid and interface Society. This enable her to attend this conference.
“Attending this conference allowed me to interact with the colloids and interface community of Australia. Usually it would be hard to see this many people and make so many connections, but conference like these are a great way to network.” Dr Bradley.