Guidelines for Flexible Workplace Practices | ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science


The ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science (ACEx) is committed to flexible work practices that will support all members to participate in the centre including those who have carer responsibilities, cultural activities, health conditions or other work life balance commitments.  At ACEx we continually strive to improve workplace practises and flexibility.


These guidelines aim to make members aware of the recommended flexible work practices to support our commitment to equal opportunity and diversity.  We also aim to provide clarity of our expectations and entitlements. Flexible work practices can improve productivity and increase employee satisfaction.


Effective communication is essential to make flexibility work.  Flexible working hours must be agreed with your supervisor. Each node may have relevant policies that will take precedence over these guidelines. Note that there will be times when flexibility is not practical, e.g., you cannot work from home if your workdays require being in the laboratory. 

Guideline and procedures

Working hours guidelines:

  • Allow for flexible hours (not restricted to 9-5), including lunch break.
  • Allow for flexible work locations, such as working from home.
  • Provide options such as part time hours, purchased leave or a compressed work week.
  • We should respect others’ work schedules and not expect people to be available outside these schedules.  Communication regarding working days and hours should be carried out respectfully.

Meeting guidelines:

  • Meeting scheduling should consider:
    • Participants in different time zones
    • Holding meetings between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm where possible
    • Agreeing to meeting times with all participants.
  • Carers:
    • Participants in meetings are encouraged to access our Carers Fund to assist with carer responsibilities, where appropriate. 
    • Children will be welcome in the workplace, provided that their carer is responsible for them.
  • Meeting scheduling should avoid the following (where possible):
    • public holidays (state or federal)
    • school holidays
    • major religious celebration

When meeting electronically:

  • There is no requirement that video must be on.
  • If a participant is interrupted by activity in their household, other participants shall react courteously. If a member is unable to attend a face-to-face meeting, they can request a Zoom attendance.
  • Invitations to larger Centre meetings to let participants know that Zoom attendance will be available upon request.

Related documents:

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