There are opportunities to study device engineering and other related topics with Exciton Science researchers.
Check back regularly for more detailed information or use the links below to contact potential supervisors directly.
Chief Investigators
Novel lead-free perovskites, as part of a joint project with the University of Bayreuth in Germany.
Jacek Jasieniak (Monash University)
- Investigation of Nano- to Micro-scale Patterning Effects on Perovskite Thin Films and Devices;
- Unravelling Interactions between Nano- and Micro- Scale Patterned Structures and Perovskite Gain Materials in the Near-field at High Spatial Resolution;
Investigating Order to Disorder in Nano- to Micro- Scale Patterned Dielectric Arrays.
Associate Investigators
Gary Rosengarten (RMIT University)
Nicholas Ekins-Daukes (UNSW Sydney)
Anita Ho-Baillie (University of Sydney)